Does sandboxie work with windows 8
Does sandboxie work with windows 8

Using Sandboxie to log into your email account helps keep malware and other unwanted code away from your computer. Any malicious content downloaded will be destroyed upon closing the software. The most prominent use is that you have nearly unlimited downloads. While running your web browser through Sandboxie, you’ll notice many benefits that enhance your computer’s security. As nothing is saved after use, you won’t have to worry about opening incognito mode on your browser. Any cookies, cached files, and browsing history cannot leak into different sections of your computer.

does sandboxie work with windows 8 does sandboxie work with windows 8

The Sandboxie provides better privacy for your computer, in a way that’s different to providers like Avast, as you browse the internet or connect to other online services.

Does sandboxie work with windows 8